Rohit Pal

Rohit Pal

Build your own Dependency Injection Framework

Dependency Injection is very useful for most projects and allows us to create our dependencies easily and makes the development process seamless...

Custom Feign Client Builder library in Spring Boot

Creating a custom spring module to make HTTP client library using OpenFeign...

Schedulers and the Need for Concurrency

To get best computational efficiency from a multicore processor core kernels of operating systems uses Kernel-Level threads to provide concurrency...

Code Generation using Annotation Processor in Java

Generating REST Client from Swagger Documentation...

Internet of Value (IoV) and NFTs

Our ever changing desires and internet usage is creating new dimensions of money generation trends...

Decentralized Applications would change Web Apps

Recent progress in Decentralized Apps could lead to big changes in Web Apps and Social Media Platforms...

Generating Github Like Identicons

Github introduced user display images as Identicons [] way back in 2013. Githu...

Worker Threads in NodeJS

NodeJS for its design engine was preferred to be used as an I/O performant and not as a CPU performant backend....